Summer 2015 // Printmaking, Pie Making, Parades, and Prix Fixe

Summer 2015 // Printmaking, Pie Making, Parades, and Prix Fixe

from $15.00

Wingtip Press, Karl Leclair

July 4, 10am-12pm
Printmaking has historically been utilized to spread communications to the masses through bookmaking, posters, and signage.  In celebration of the independence of our country, Wingtip Press will lead students in discovering and creating symbols of independence.  By utilizing the relief printmaking process, students will develop imagery related to their interpretation of independence and create bold and graphic symbols to be printed upon flags and banners, flown during the annual town parade. 

Pie Enthusist, Rob Lockward

July 4, 12:30pm-3pm
Often referred to as the “most American” of desserts, pies enjoy a special place in our collective culture and holiday celebrations. Join Rob Lockward for a pie workshop which will cover the basics of pie making from pastry to filing to baking. Rob will discuss a variety of pie pastry varieties and styles beginning with proper ingredient selection and continuing through assembly and baking. We plan on making a number of pies showcasing a representative variety of fruit, custard, and cake pies. Whether you want to make a freeform apple pie with butter pastry, blind baked lard pastry or a lattice top cherry pie, this is the workshop for you!

4th of July, 7pm-8:30pm
Celebrate the 4th of July with a rustic, mountain meal prepared by The Atlanta School staff. Entirely fresh, local (to Idaho) and organic its artist, miner and even townie friendly. Vegetarian options will be available. 

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